Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Guns of Jericho

Confirmed Idaho International Film Festival dates are as follows:

Friday, September 28th at 12 pm at BODO
Sunday, September 30th at 4.30 at The Egyptian Theater.

Both screenings will play with Drew Wattles' short film "Miller Time", based on one of my scripts as well. Go figure.

Honestly, I'm suprised to see us playing at the Egyptian; that's a big theater usually reserved for "big name" films in the festival. Apparently the directors of I2F2 think the movie's strong enough to have a full house. And, by cracky, it just might be. After all, it's all about the pliers, baby.

Went through the I2F2 archieves and realized a couple things: 1) that this fest is in it's fifth year (whoa!), and 2) Ellis and I HAVEN'T had involvement in every year. Our break down of works turns out to be as follows:

2003 - Pizza Man vs. The Dude short film in Coldgrain 1.5
2004 - Pizza Man vs. The Dude feature + Half Ass Jig
2005 - Nada. Nothing. Zilch.
2006 - That's No Baloney - Drew Wattles Dir. (I have a bit acting part and did some camera/dolly work)

So, I suppose it's time that we got back into the festival with a gun-slinging comedy. Yay for us.
What's the next step for Guns of Jericho? Maybe a little on-line distribution...

... but more on that later.


Boise Filmmakers. No Tourists.